Forms and Reports

Forms and reports located throughout this web site are available below in alphabetical order:

Accreditation Status Descriptions

Accreditation Status Legend

Accreditation Policies and Procedures

CoARC Accreditation Policies and Procedures Manual

CoARC Accreditation Process Flow Chart 
The LOI application, related fees, and all of the CSAFs (completed correctly) that are listed in the LOI application by the submission deadlines are listed in the chart above.

CoARC Acronyms

Applications and Statement of Support (Please contact Dr. Smalling at BEFORE completing any letter of intent applications)

Program Type Comparision

CoARC Application for Accreditation Services

CoARC Application for Substantive Change

CoARC Letter of Intent Application – Additional Degree Track (ADT)

CoARC Letter of Intent Application – Base Program

CoARC Letter of Intent Application – Degree Advancement Base Program

CoARC Letter of Intent Application – Satellite add-on

CoARC Letter of Intent Application – SDS (Sleep add-on)

Organization Chart

Study Group Statement of Support Template

Affirmation Forms

Clinical Site Affirmation Form

Off-Campus Lab Site Affirmation Form

Clinical Site Affirmation Form – SDS Option


Complaints Reporting Form

Curriculum Comparison and Sequencing

Course Requirements and Sequencing Table

NBRC SDS Matrix Comparison

NBRC Therapist Multiple Choice Detailed Content Outline Comparison (Effective 2020)

Degree Advancement

Developing and Implementing Your ESLOs


The Value of CoARC Accreditation for Degree Advancement Programs in Respiratory Care

               Annual report surveys are listed below under “Surveys”.

Expense Report

Expense Report

Inactive Status Request

Inactive Status Request Template

Program Change Forms

Change Billing Contact

Change Director of Clinical Education (DCE)

Change in Dean

Change Medical Director (MD)

Change President/CEO

Change Program Address

Change Program Director (PD)

Change Program Name

Change Sleep Specialist Primary Instructor

Referee's Analysis Forms

RA for Base Entry PSSR

RA for ADT-Entry PSSR

RA for ADT Entry CSSR

RA for Sat Entry PSSR

RA for Base Entry -Sat CSSR

Reports on Accreditation

2023 Report on Accreditation


Sample Advisory Committee_Duties

Sample Advisory Committee Chair Duties

Sample consortium agreement

Sample DCE Acceptance Letter

Sample MD Acceptance Letter

Sample PD Acceptance Letter

Sample PPI Acceptance Ltr

Self Study Reports (based on 2020 Accreditation Standards for Entry into RC Professional Practice)

Additional Degree Track Continuing Accreditation Self Study Report (CSSR ADT Entry)

Base Program Continuing Accreditation Self Study Report (CSSR Base Entry)

Continuing Accreditation of an Sleep Disorders Specialist (SDS) for Program Option for Entry into RC Professional Practice

Evidence List for CSSR ADT Entry

Evidence List for CSSR Base Entry

Evidence List for PSSR Base Entry

Evidence List for PSSR DA

Provisional Accreditation of an Additional Degree Track (ADT) Program for Entry into RC Professional Practice

Provisional Accreditation of a Satellite Program Option for Entry in RC Professional Practice

Provisional Accreditation of a Sleep Disorders Specialist (SDS) Program Option for Entry into RC Professional Practice

Provisional Accreditation of Degree Advancement (DA) Base Program in Respiratory Care

Provisional Accreditation of Degree Advancement (DA) Additional Degree Track (ADT) Program Option in Respiratory Care

Self Study Forms

Advisory Committee List Form

CoARC Teaching and Administrative Workload Forms

MD/Co-MD CV Outline

Program Faculty CV Outline

Site Visit Documents

On-Site Review Report for ADT DA PSSR

On-Site Review Report for ADT ENTRY CSSR


On-Site Review Report for Base DA PSSR

OSRR for Base Entry CSSR.pdf

OSRR for PSSR.pdf



OSRR for SSPO (Polysom).pdf

Script Opening.pdf

Script Summation.pdf

Site Visit Agenda – Consortium

Site Visit Agenda – DA Provisional

Site Visit Agenda – DA Continuing

Site Visit Agenda – Provisional

Site Visit Agenda – Continuing

Site Visit Agenda – RRT with DA Option

Site Visit Cancellation Policy

Site Visit Date Request Form-Continuing

Site Visit Expense Form

Site Visit Interview Guide DA/Provisional

Site Visit Interview Guide for Entry Standards/Provisional

Site Visit Interview Guide for Entry Standards/Continuing

Site Visitor Manual

Site Visits Date Request

Site Visits Date Request – Provisional

Standard SV Agenda

Travel and Reimbursement Guidelines

Surveys and Student Consent (Entry into Practice Standards)

CoARC Employer Survey

CoARC Graduate Survey

CoARC Personnel-Program Resource Survey

CoARC Student-Program Resource Survey

Student Consent 

Surveys and Student Consent (Degree Advancement Standards)

CoARC Degree Advancement Employer Survey

CoARC Degree Advancement Graduate Survey

CoARC Personnel-Program Resource Survey

CoARC Student-Program Resource Survey

Teach-Out Plans and Agreement

Programmatic Teach-Out Agreement Approval Form

(to be completed when the program makes an agreement with another program to teach out its students)

Programmatic Teach-Out Plan Approval Form

Voluntary Withdrawal

Voluntary Withdrawal Request Template

Website Policies

CoARC Website Policies 

Search Icon

Find CoARC Accredited Programs

Job Board Icon

Job Board

Reports Icon

Map of Program Outcomes

Program and Personnel Changes