Commissioners in the News

Thomas has been selected to present at the 2024 ASAHP Annual Conference October 8th-10th in Atlanta, Georgia, “Blazing the Trail: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Higher Education and Health Professions.” 

Abstract Submission Title: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) as a Novel Framework in Successful Respiratory Therapy Programs. 

From Steve’s Wehrman’s Facebook post.

Legendary professor Bill Galvin talking about communication! He’s so engaging!! Here at the RCSW 50th conference.

You can ALWAYS learn more!!!

Dr. McKinney was recognized by the Alvin Community College Foundation at the Honoring Excellence Reception.

League for Innovations and the Excellence Award:

Presentation for the ALS Association- “Addressing Respiratory Challenges in ALS”- ALS Association: Living with ALS Webinar Series 9/18/23 

Publication in Respiratory Care– McHenry, K.L. (2023). Airway Clearance Strategies and Secretion Management in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Respiratory Care [Open Access- In Press]. DOI: 

Congratulations to all of the 2023 American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) Specialty Practitioners of the Year!

I have good news to share with you.  Just this morning, Tom Jones defended his doctoral dissertation and was bestowed the honor of Dr. Thomas Jones. I was privileged to be invited to the presentation that concluded just a hour ago and I expressed our congratulations to his Committee members. He did a great job and presented a valuable body of work entitled, A Multiple-Case Inquiry to Identify the Socio-Academic Attributes of Successful Entry-to-Practice Respiratory Therapy Programs

William (Bill) F. Galvin