Progress Reports

CoARC stands ready to assist the program in identifying deficiencies and implementing action plans to remediate any deficiencies. The nature of the remediation is related to the deficiencies in meeting the Standards and program outcome thresholds. The Commission may change an accreditation status based on the program’s ability to remediate deficiencies in a timely manner.

What is a Progress Report?

A progress report is a written report that a program is required to submit in order to demonstrate that the program has addressed deficiencies specified previously by the CoARC.

Questions concerning progress reports should be addressed to Shelley Christensen at (817) 283-2835 ext. 106 or

What is the purpose of a Progress Report?

The purpose of the progress report is to give the program the opportunity to provide additional documentation in order to come into full compliance with the Standards. This has the advantage of sending a positive message to the program, the program administration, the communities of interest, and students.

Why does a program submit a Progress Report?

At the written request of CoARC, a program will be required to submit documentation addressing any Standard not met (i.e. citation) as a progress report. The decision to request a progress report is made by the Program Referee or Board after review of the recommendation(s) and other documents associated with the accreditation review process. The progress report must be submitted within the specified period of time addressing the Standard(s) with which the program has been found to be in non-compliance. The Progress report will constitute the basis for Commission action. If the program does not demonstrate compliance with the Standards within the specified time frame stated on the progress report, the Commission may either request an additional progress report or confer a Probationary Accreditation status.

Questions concerning progress reports should be addressed to Shelley Christensen at (817) 283-2835 ext. 106 or

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