
Bonner Smith Outstanding Service Award

Diane Flatland,

Bonner SmithIn 2011, the profession and CoARC lost a true friend. Bonner Smith, JD, was a public member of the CoARC for over 13 years and served on almost every committee during his tenure. In 2013, the CoARC established a new award named after Mr. Smith. The award recognizes one individual annually for demonstrating outstanding and enduring service to the profession of respiratory care through its educational accreditation system. The award is intended to honor individuals for exemplary contributions as members of the Commission or its predecessor Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education.(JRCRTE).

Outstanding Service AwardThe award was presented posthumously to Mr. Smith in 2013 at the CoARC Awards Ceremony during the AARC Summer Forum in Orlando, FL. Accepting the award, on behalf of Mr. Smith, was his wife, Shelly, and his daughter, Bonny.

  • 2023- Joseph Coyle, MD, FCCP
  • 2022- Mel Welch Jr., MPH, RRT-NPS, FAARC
  • 2021- Allen N. Gustin Jr, MD, FCCP, FASA 
  • 2020 – Brad Leidich, MSEd, RRT, FAARC
  • 2019 – Thomas Hill, PhD, RRT, FAARC and Jana Anderson
  • 2018 – Ian Gilmour, MD, FRCP, FACA, FCCP
  • 2017– Kathy Rye, EdD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, FAARC
  • 2016 – Shelley Mishoe, PhD, RRT, FAARC
  • 2015 – Bill Goding, MEd, RRT
  • 2014 – George Burton, MD
  • 2013 – James Bonner Smith

Dr. Ralph Kendall Outstanding Site Visitor Award

Paul E. LaMere, MS, RRT

Award presented at the 2024 AARC International Congress Awards Ceremony

Dr. Ralph KendallThe Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) recognizes up to two active Site Visitors annually, for dedicated service and outstanding contributions to the CoARC’s mission of ensuring the high quality of respiratory care education. Nominations are made by the CoARC Commissioners.

nominee must have participated in at least three (3) CoARC site visits within the past two (2) years by the nomination deadline. In addition, nominees must not have any negative evaluations within the same two-year period, and have provided a special contribution to the site visit process.

The award was named for Dr. Ralph Kendall, MD as a permanent expression of CoARC’s grateful recognition of his outstanding service as a site visitor and mentor. Dr. Kendall became a site visitor for CoARC in 1989 and has performed approximately 28 site visits over the past 6 years. Dr. Kendall also served as Chair of the CoARC Site Visit Subcommittee from 2003 to 2009. His expertise and assistance to program personnel and in training new site visitors is unparalleled and through the establishment of this award will not be forgotten.

  • 2023-Thomas D. Jones, MEd, RRT, CPFT
  • 2022- Gina Buldra, BS, RRT, RCP and Thomas Hill, PhD, RRT, FAARC
  • 2021- Diane Oldfather, MHEd, RRT, FAARC
  • 2020 – Kathy Rye, EdD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, FAARC
  • 2019 – Brad Leidich, MSEd, RRT, FAARC
  • 2018 – Marby McKinney, MEd, RRT, RRT-NPS, AE-C and Jospeh Coyle, MD, FCCP
  • 2017 – Thomas Harding, MS, RRT, RPFT
  • 2016 – Thomas Baxter, EdD, RRT
  • 2015 – Ian Gilmour, MD, FRCP, FACA, FCCP and Kelli Chronister, MS, RRT
  • 2014 – Diane Flatland, MS-RRT, NPS
  • 2013 – Monica Schibig, MA, RRT-NPS, CPFT
  • 2012 – Phyllis W. Brunner, BS, RRT
  • 2011 – Leann Papp, EdS, RN, RRT, RCP
  • 2010 – Dr. Ralph Kendall, MD and Michael W. Prewitt, PhD, RRT

The President’s Award for Excellence and The RRT Credentialing Success Award

The President’s Award for Excellence and the Distinguished RRT Credentialing Success Award is presented as part of the CoARC’s continued efforts to value the RRT credential as a standard of professional achievement. From a program effectiveness perspective, the CoARC views the RRT credential as a measure of a program’s success in inspiring its graduates to achieve their highest educational and professional aspirations.

In selecting programs for this recognition, the CoARC Board used objective criteria based on key accreditation metrics documented in the 2020 Annual Report of Current Status RCS. The CoARC extends its sincere congratulations to you, your faculty, students, and graduates for meeting these rigorous criteria.

The President’s Award for Excellence in Credentialing Success – programs were required to: (1)have three or more years of outcomes data; (2) hold accreditation without a progress report;(3) document RRT credentialing success of 100%, and (4) meet or exceed established CoARC thresholds for TMC high cut score and retention.

The Distinguished RRT Credentialing Success Award – programs were required to: (1)have three or more years of outcomes data; (2) hold accreditation without a progress report; (3) document RRT credentialing success of 90% or above, and (4) meet or exceed established CoARC thresholds for TMC high cut score and retention.

Keep in mind that the conferral of this achievement award does not imply the CoARC’s recommendation, endorsement, or ranking of your program in relation to other CoARC accredited programs. Publications or announcements of this award shall not imply such recommendation, endorsement, or ranking. The primary responsibility of CoARC is to accredit programs based on their compliance with established accreditation standards.

DR. H. Fred Helmholz, MD Education Lecture Series


2024 –“Reflections While We Erase the Chalkboard (or the Transparencies): Our Paths to Service and Leadership” Thomas V. Hill, PhD, RRT,

Dr. H. Fred HelmholzThe Dr. H. Fred Helmholz Education Lecture Series was established by CoARC in 1997 to recognize outstanding educators for their contributions to Respiratory Care Education.

It is certainly a fitting tribute that this Lecture Series serve as an ongoing reminder of Dr. Helmholz for he was a true pioneer in our profession.

His tireless efforts on behalf of respiratory therapists touched many of us and his influence will be felt for decades to come.

Dr. Helmholz was active in probably every single aspect of respiratory care. His medical career included research and clinical practice in high-altitude medicine, oxygen therapy, pulmonary function testing, and mechanical ventilation.

The AARC honored Dr. Helmholz with Honorary Member status and he was awarded the prestigious Jimmy A. Young Medal in 1993. He had a major presence at the International Congress, presiding as a judge for the Sputum Bowl Finals for many years. His sense of humor and sportsmanship were never more evident than by his willingness to wear whatever costume Jim Fenstermaker dreamed up, appearing as a Southern Gentleman, Santa Claus, Julius Cesar, and one of the Flying Elvises. The H. Fred Helmholz Sportsmanship Award is presented every year to the team which best demonstrates the passion, wisdom, and wit he brought to the competition.

Dr. Helmholz served as a member of the NBRC Board of Trustees from 1976 to 1988 and as President in 1985. The NBRC honored Dr. Helmholz with its Albert H. Andrews Award and Sister Mary Yvonne Jenn RRT Lifetime Achievement Awards, becoming the first Board Member to achieve Trustee Emeritus status.

He was the first Honorary Member of Lambda Beta, the National Honor Society for Respiratory Care, and through donations, his books of poetry continues to support scholarships for respiratory care students.

His commitment to education led him to establish a respiratory care program at the Mayo Clinic, where he did most of the teaching for several years. And until a few years ago, he was involved as a standardized patient for the Mayo Multidisciplinary Medical Simulation Center.

Dr. Helmholz was appointed by the CHEST to the Board of Schools for Inhalation Therapy in 1965, the initial group responsible for overseeing respiratory care education. When the Board of Schools transitioned to the Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education under the AMA in 1969, Dr. Helmholz served as Chairman until 1976, running the organization out of his own offices at the Mayo Clinic, often at his own expense. He served the Joint Review Committee and CoARC, its successor, as a site visitor for decades.

Each year, CoARC invites an educator to present the H. Fred Helmholz Lecture at the AARC Summer Forum. As you can see from the list of previous speakers below, the Lecture provides an opportunity to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to respiratory care and education. Many of these individuals had the privilege to know and work with Dr. Helmholz, and we hope that this annual lecture appropriately perpetuates his legacy.


  1. Currently serve as an educator in any CoARC approved Respiratory Care Program. (If appropriate, a group of individuals representing a program, can also be nominated).
  2. Have contributed to Respiratory Care education by developing an effective curriculum, teaching strategy, resource assessment/survey tool, by utilizing educational technology to benefit student learning, or by having a “good idea” resulting in Respiratory Care educational excellence.
  3. Be nominated by a CoARC Commissioner.

Below is the history of the Dr. H. Fred Helmholz, MD Education Lecture Series presentations:

2023 – “Ethical Dilemmas in Critical & Palliative Care: Drawing the Line Between Benefit & Futility Allen N. Gustin Jr., MD, FCCP, FASA 

2022 – “Characteristics of Successful Respiratory Care Programs – The Sequel to 2012 Lecture. This presentation would be an opportunity to revisit that survey, using the programs that received the 2021President’s Award for Credentialing Success.” – William F. Galvin, MSED,

Helmholz-Lecture by Bill Galvin 7.2022

2021 – “Do We Give Up Too Soon?  Helping All Learners Achieve Excellence”
– Ellen Becker, PhD, RRT, RRT-NPS,

2020- NA-COVID-19

2019 – “Supporting Graduate and Student Engagement” – Kenneth Winn, MHA, RRT

2018- “Making Brain Science Work for Teachers” – Dennis R. Wissing, PhD, RRT, AE-C, CPFT, FAARC

2017 – “The Value of Degree Advancement Programs for Progression of the Respiratory Therapy Profession” – Joseph P. Coyle, MD, FCCP and Shane Keene, DHSc, RRT-NPS, FAARC

2016 – “Meeting Thresholds and Maintaining an Excellent Respiratory Care Program” – Gary White, MEd, RRT, FAARC

2015 – “Professional Volunteerism” – Kerry George, MEd, RRT, FAARC

2014 – “Enhancing the Science and Practice of Respiratory Care Through Academic Progression and Life-long Learning” – Toni L. Rodriguez Ed.D, RRT FAARC

2013 – “Teaching Students How to Stay Up-To-Date on Mechanical Ventilation Issues” – Susan P. Pilbeam, MEd,RRT, FAARC

2012 – “Excellence in Respiratory Care Education: Creating an Exemplary RC Program” – William Galvin, MSEd, RRT, CPFT, AE-C, FAARC

2011 – “Career Pathways in Respiratory Care” – David L. Vines, MHS, RRT and Thomas D. Jones, MEd, RRT, CPFT, LRCP

2010 – “A Pedagogy for Today’s Learner” – Mark Taylor, MSW, EdD

2009 – “Evidenced-Based Guidelines and Practice: How are We Doing in Respiratory Care?” – Joe Sorbello, MEd,RRT

2008 – “Viva la Experience: Theory and Practice of Experiential Education in Respiratory Care” – Jeff Ward, MEd, RRT

2007 – “Respiratory Care as a Profession: Are We There Yet?” – David Shelledy, PhD, RRT, RPFT, FAARC

2006 – “Using Simulation Technology to Prepare the Next Generation of Respiratory Therapists” – Viva Jo Siddall, MS, RRT

2005 – “Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Threshold Success” – Erna Boone, MEd, RRT and Bob DeLorme, EdS, RRT

2004 – “The Dynamic Web Classroom” – Sal Sanders, MS, RRT, CPFT

2003 – “Managers and Educators Working Hand-in-Hand” – Mike Nazarro, MPH, RRT and “Teaching Your Students and Staff About Inhaled Toxic Agents” and “What Can We Teach About Bioterrorism? Teach Everything!” – Thomas J. Johnson, MS, RRT,

2002 – “The Role of the Advisory Committee & Employers in Shaping the Future of Respiratory Care” – Garry Kauffman, MPA, RRT

2001 – “Teaching Patient Assessment to the Respiratory Care Student” – Robert Wilkins, PhD, RRT

2000 – “Student Recruitment and Retention: A Marketing Perspective” – William Turner, PhD

1999 – “Computer Technology – New Paradigms in Education” – Jon Nilsestuen, PhD, RRT, FAARC, Marilyn Childers, PhD, RRT and Stephen Fracek, PhD

1998 – “Critical Thinking in Respiratory Care” – Shelley Mishoe, PhD, RRT, FAARC

1997 – “The History of Respiratory Care” – H. Fred Helmholz Jr., MD


CoARC George G. Burton, MD Faculty and Student Educational Research Scholarships

George G. Burton

CoARC George G. Burton, MD Faculty and Student Educational Research Scholarship – to a faculty or student of a CoARC-accredited program for educational or accreditation research with practical value to the respiratory care profession. 

Dr. George Burton has been recognized by the AARC as one of the Legends of Respiratory Care.  In addition to a successful career in Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, Dr Burton was an active member of the Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Care Education, the organization that preceded CoARC, serving as a Site Visitor, Board Member and Chairman.  He served as Medical Director for the Respiratory Care Department at Kettering Medical Center in Dayton OH, and as the Medical Director for the Respiratory Care Program at Kettering College. Dr Burton Co-Authored the first Comprehensive Textbook for Respiratory Care students, published articles and a textbook on Therapist-Driven Protocols, and continues to write alongside Terry DesJardins on their Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease text, currently in its 9the Edition.

In recognition of his commitment and service to respiratory care education, the CoARC has established two scholarships in honor of Dr. Burton to recognize current students and/or current faculty members of a CoARC-accredited program conducting educational or accreditation research that adds practical value to the respiratory therapy profession. Each selected project is awarded $3,000.00 to facilitate project completion. One award is supported by Kettering National Seminars and the other by the CoARC.

Scholarships may be awarded for projects that represent original research and for projects that create narrative/literature reviews, systematic reviews, and/or scoping reviews.  Applications are being sought for projects addressing the following themes:

  • Competency-based evaluation/education
  • Value/benefit/importance of degree advancement
  • Education outcomes
  • Development of Characteristics of Successful RT Faculty
  • Benefits and Rewards of Becoming a Program Director or Director of Clinical Education in a Respiratory Therapy Educational Program
  • Opportunities to Transition/Career Paths (Clinicals to Education)

General Instructions

Submission of application forms

Use the included form to apply for the CoARC George G. Burton, MD Faculty and Student Educational Research Scholarship. The application should be single spaced.  Please sign and submit all documentation as one PDF.  Email the completed packet to Bonnie Marrs ( 

Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Additional material pertinent to an application submitted after the deadline will only be considered if the material is requested by the CoARC or if prior arrangements were made with the CoARC.

The CoARC will start accepting applications November 2024. The completed application must be submitted by February 1, 2025, for consideration for the annual award.  Applicants will be notified by April 15th of the decision regarding the scholarship. The recipient must attend the CoARC Awards Ceremony during the AARC Summer Forum to receive the award. In addition to the $3,000.00 scholarship, the CoARC will cover the costs of travel and one nights’ lodging and meals for one recipient, not to exceed $2,000.00. Itemized receipts are required, and meals are reimbursed at a maximum of $75.00 per person per day. Please contact Shane Keene ( to set up direct deposit payment. If multiple names are listed on the application, only the principal investigator and/ or first author will receive the travel award.

Project follow-up and completion

Modifications to approved projects must be submitted to the Executive Office for approval. Summary progress reports must be submitted to Bonnie Marrs ( within six (6) months of project approval and upon completion of the project and must be properly identified with the title and name of the principal investigator. 

The final progress report will be in the format of an original manuscript that has not been previously published or that is pending publication.  Authors must follow the guidelines for authors for Respiratory Care and the Respiratory Care Education Annual found at  The manuscript must be six – ten (6 – 10) pages in length before references and must utilize a minimum of eight (8) peer reviewed references. Referenced material must not be more than ten (10) years old.

It is the responsibility of the investigator(s) to submit the manuscript for review and publication if interested.  All publications related to the project must acknowledge the support of the CoARC.  The award recipient must notify the CoARC Executive Office upon publication and include the link/citation for the publication.

CoARC Louis Sinopoli, PhD, RRT, FAARC Faculty Educational Research Scholarship

Megan Koster, EdD, RRT, RRT-NPS

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