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Overview Process
To initiate the accreditation process, the sponsoring institution submits a Letter of Intent Application and required supplementary information. As part of the required supplementary documentation, the sponsor must convene a study group composed of individuals from an independent, external, community of interest (employers) for the purpose of evaluating the need for the new program. In addition to performing a needs assessment, the study group must also assess availability of sufficient clinical resources. Once all documentation is received and reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Office will assign a Program Referee who is responsible for conducting a second review of the documentation. The role of the Referee (a current Commissioner) is to serve as the liaison between the program and the Board. In addition to Board member responsibilities, the Referee is also responsible for providing consultation during the self-study process; analyzing the accreditation record for compliance with the Standards; assisting the program to identify ways to meet those Standards; and recommending appropriate accreditation action to the Board.
Following review of the Letter of Intent and supplementary documentation, the Referee submits a recommendation for action at the next scheduled Board meeting. The Board will either grant an Approval of Intent or deny the Approval of Intent. The sponsor will be notified of the Board’s decision following the meeting. If the decision is to deny the Approval of Intent, the Board will include in its correspondence to the sponsor, the rationale for its decision, and the documentation/evidence required from the sponsor to receive an Approval of Intent.
Following the Approval of Intent, the program submits a Provisional Accreditation Self-Study Report (PSSR). The Referee reviews the PSSR and communicates with the Program Director, as necessary, until s/he is satisfied that the program appears to meet the Standards. When the Referee completes the review of the PSSR and determines that it is acceptable, an on-site visit is scheduled. Following the on-site visit, the Referee reviews the on-site review report and the rest of the program’s accreditation record to confirm compliance with the Standards. The Referee will then recommend the program for Provisional Accreditation at the next Board meeting. If the Board approves the Referee’s recommendation, it will confer Provisional Accreditation which will replace the Approval of Intent. A Board decision to deny a Provisional Accreditation is subject to reconsideration and appeal as described in CoARC Policy 1.06. A Provisional Accreditation status signifies that a program has demonstrated sufficient compliance with the Standards. The conferral of the Provisional Accreditation status denotes a developmental program, in which assurances are expected to be provided that the program may become accredited as programmatic experiences are gained, generally, once graduates have been produced and at least three (3) reporting years of outcomes has been collected and analyzed. The conferral of Provisional Accreditation also authorizes the sponsor to admit its first class of students.
No later than six (6) months following the deadline date of the Annual Report of Current Status showing three (3) reporting years of outcomes data, the program submits a Continuing Self-Study Report (CSSR). The Executive Office forwards a copy of the CSSR to the Referee, who reviews the information and evaluates the program for compliance with the Standards. When the Referee completes the review of the CSSR and determines that it is acceptable, an on-site visit is scheduled. Following the on-site visit, the Referee reviews the on-site review report and the rest of the program’s accreditation record to confirm compliance with the Standards. The Referee will then recommend the program for Continuing Accreditation at the next Board meeting. If the Board approves the Referee’s recommendation, it will confer Continuing Accreditation which will replace Provisional Accreditation. Every accredited base program must have its status reaffirmed no more than five (5) years after Continuing Accreditation is initially conferred. If the accreditation record reveals significant Standards violations, the Referee will recommend to the Board to Withhold Continuing Accreditation. If the Board approves this recommendation the sponsor will be notified of the adverse action. The conferral of Withhold of Continuing Accreditation is subject to reconsideration and appeal as described in Policy 1.06.
After the initial five (5) year Continuing Accreditation period, subsequent reaffirmations repeat each 10-year cycle. A program, once accredited, remains accredited until the program formally terminates its accreditation status or the Board terminates the Program’s accreditation through a formal action. Accreditation does not end merely because a certain length of time has elapsed, but continues unless subject to formal mination by either the program or the Board.
The LOI application, related fees, and all
of the CSAFs (completed correctly) that are listed in the LOI application by
the submission deadlines are listed in the chart below.
An Accreditation Process Flow Chart is available for guidance on CoARC’s accreditation process.
Programs may notify CoARC of Voluntary Withdrawal of Accreditation at any time for all activities of the program or for any program options by using the Voluntary Withdrawal Request Template.
If interested in starting a respiratory care program, please read Section 2 (Initiation of Accreditation) of the Accreditation Policies and Procedures Manual. You are also strongly encouraged to review the applicable CoARC Accreditation Standards (i.e., Entry, Degree Advancement or APRT).
The application process begins by completing and submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI) Application (choose from the list of applications below this page). If you’re not sure which one to choose, please call.
Following your review of these documents, please contact Tom Smalling, Chief Executive Officer, at 817-283-2835 ext 101 or 631-912-7920 for additional important information and helpful tips.
New programs receiving an Approval of Intent must then complete a Provisional Accreditation Self Study Report (PSSR). The CoARC Executive Office will send the PSSR template to the program when appropriate. However, a “read-only” version is available on the Self-Studies web page.
At the time of the Letter of Intent submission or anytime prior to, please contact Dr. Shane Keene (shane@coarc.com)-to request an invoice to be sent via email. The Letter of Intent application will not be processed until the fee is received.
(Please contact Dr. Smalling at tom@coarc.com BEFORE completing)
Letter of Intent Applications:
CoARC Letter of Intent Application – Base Entry Program
(to be used by new sponsors seeking accreditation of an entry-based program)
CoARC Letter of Intent Application – DA Base Program
(to be used by new sponsors seeking accreditation of a degree advancement-based program)
CoARC Letter of Intent Application – ADT Program Option
(to be used by all sponsors of existing CoARC-accredited programs seeking accreditation of an additional degree track – entry, degree advancement, or APRT)
CoARC Letter of Intent Application – SDS Program Option (to be used by all sponsors of existing CoARC-accredited programs seeking accreditation of a Sleep Disorders Specialist Program Option)
CoARC Letter of Intent Application – Satellite
(to be used by all sponsors of existing CoARC-accredited programs seeking accreditation of a Satellite Program Option)
CoARC Study Group / Advisory Committee Statement of Support
(to be used by all sponsors submitting a Letter of Intent Application)
Clinical Site Affirmation Form
(to be used by new respiratory care programs submitting a Letter of Intent Application)
Off-Campus Lab Site Affirmation Form
(to be used by Sleep Disorders Specialist program options submitting a Letter of Intent Application)
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