CoARC Call For Comments Regarding Second Draft of Proposed Revision to Standard 1.01

Call for Comments Regarding

Second Draft of Proposed Revision to Standard 1.01

Accreditation Standards for Entry into Respiratory Care Professional Practice


From now until December 1, 2021, the CoARC invites all interested respiratory communities of interest* to submit comments and/or suggestions regarding the 2nd draft of the proposed revision to Standard 1.01 using the following Survey Monkey link.  For more details regarding this revision, please see the attached.


The Survey Monkey link is:


*Communities of interest include all the bodies within the CoARC organizational structure; related bodies or organizations (the American Association for Respiratory Care, the American College of Chest Physicians, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Thoracic Society, the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions, the National Network of Two-Year Community Colleges, and the National Board for Respiratory Care; RT educational program representatives (CEOs, deans, program directors, medical directors, site visitors, and advisory committee members); respiratory therapy educators; practitioners; consumers; employers; regulators (licensure boards, state higher education commissions); recognition bodies (Council for Higher Education Accreditation); accreditors (regional, national, and specialized accreditors); Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors; students; and the public at large.


Thank you!
Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care
264 Precision Blvd
Telford, TN  37690

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