ACRTE Scholarship Announcement

The ACRTE Board of Directors, with steadfast tenacity, continues to make scholarship funding available to help support school expenses for members pursuing associate, baccalaureate, masters, or doctoral degrees. The Board of Directors will dispense $30,000 this year. Encourage your friends, colleagues, and students to apply! It is not an onerous process. The process for application is relatively simple and the application has been posted on the ACRTE website since late April of this year. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! The application cycle will remain open until October 1, 2024. We hope to make announcements of winners by the end of October and present awards at the AARC Congress.

In the spirit of inclusiveness, and with our name change, we are supporting all respiratory therapy education, from the associate degree to the doctoral level. We strongly believe the future of respiratory therapy education depends on us all. The NBRC also believes in this mission and has graciously funded the ACRTE to support therapists in faculty positions in the pursuit of doctoral degrees. That support thus far has seen one respiratory therapist earn a PhD in rehabilitation science and one that is ABD and will graduate, May 2025 in Workforce Education. There are several doctoral programs in health professions education that accept respiratory therapists.

The 2024 scholarship cycle will again offer 4 types of scholarships (Merit, Smallwood Research, Malinowski Leadership, and NBRC supported faculty scholarships). This year ACRTE has increased the number of Merit scholarships to 10. The Smallwood, Malinowski, and NBRC scholarships are supported unchanged by ACRTE.

ACRTE Scholarship Application

Submit application materials electronically to:

José D Rojas, PhD, RRT, RPFT, FAARC

Ex-Officio member, ACRTE Scholarship Committee

301 University Blvd Galveston, TX 77554



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